Welcome to ResourcePile, .
Manage your User info and settings to make ResourcePile work better for you.
GitHub Access Token
The GitHub API limits the amount of requests a single User can send during a period of time. By adding an access token, you will be able to increase the amount of requests allowed, increasing the amount of maps you can download at a time. This token only allows us to access your public information.

GitHub API Rate Limit
The following are your current request rate limits to the GitHub API.

Site Preferences
Customize how you see and interact with the ResourcePile website.

Choose which theme to display. Automatic will switch between light and dark only if your browser supports it. Otherwise, light will be set.
Display additional map download statistics for collection maps.
Disable to hide non-essential map images to help with slower internet connections.
Suggest similar maps to the ones just downloaded.
Choose what should be displayed for tournament banners.
This information is not tracked or stored by ResourcePile and is only accessible by this device.